Be an Agent of Change

SEE is creating radical equity through extraordinary performance. We invite people like you - generous people who are committed to The Arts and believe that creativity will save the world.

We welcome one-off donations or you can choose to make a monthly contribution. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt if your donation is $2 or more. Every little bit makes a difference.

Every donation is significant and supports SEE and the change we are pioneering to create arts practice more inclusive for everyone. We would love to hear from you and talk about our projects and the ways you can get involved.

Enabling Workshop Support Staff

Join the SEE Welcome Committee with a minimum pledge of $30/month. Help us to welcome someone at the beginning of their journey with Second Echo. Your monthly contribution will ensure that we have a support staff member at our workshops so that everyone has a safe place to gather, play and be creative. All our professional ensemble members started at community workshops, and together they've gone on to direct shows, tour the world with us, dream up and make real new creative extravaganzas, and proudly identify themselves as professional artists.

Help us to pay the rent!

Join the SEE Home Makers with a minimum pledge of $40/month. Having a home of our own is important to our ensemble and staff. With it comes a sense of safety and continuity that supports our ensemble to make the wildest artistic dreams come true. COVID has amplified the importance to us of claiming a space that is ours. A safe space for us to create, and especially for those members of our community whose immune systems mean taking extra precautions. A home of our own is a safe space to create, gather and belong. Your pledge will help pay the rent and help us hold space, and keep the doors open for everyone to dance on through.


Join the SEE Change Makers with a minimum pledge of $100/month. People like you make the art happen. Your generous contribution will help us continue to employ artists to do the work we all need to SEE. With your support, in 2023, SEE will work across Greater Hobart, regional Tasmania, Adelaide, Queensland and be uploaded, streamed and SEEn worldwide.

Your Support

SEE is a Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible, and any size will make a difference.

Donate by June 30, and you'll receive a tax receipt that you can claim on your tax return.

Thank You. Your support is immensely appreciated.